Going Left

As a Christian I’ll eagerly go as far “Left” as seeking to meet the reasonable needs of a person’s physical hunger, injury or homelessness; but never so far Left as approving absolute “equality” in wages, or approving promiscuous immigration, or the supposedly “equitable” availability of abortion, automobiles, personal video games, pornography and sex changes; or curriculum direction.

Yes, everyone had a rent-controlled apartment in Stalin’s Union of Soviet Socialist Republics And all were “equal” in the Gulag. Let the Marxists have it all. Let them keep Lenin, Stalin (and his man Genrikh Yagoda!), Mao and Castro who all promised “democracy” but delivered hell.

We choose and seek to improve the ancient Catholic principles of Christendom, which can never be old. (Heb. 17:3; Jn 14:6).


modified Sept. 2023.

+ Mao’s Politics of Compliance