Heidegger in Ruins

There is scarcely a Catholic philospher (of the Left especially) who does not consider the Catholic apostate Martin Heidegger a brilliant philospher whose teachings in no small way show us the way out of the restraints of biblical literalism and philosophical realism (in other words, the Christian revelation of God in Christ Jesus, the Incarnation),… Read More Heidegger in Ruins

Evangelical Sports Columnist and Activist Call Out “Catholic” President

Jason Whitlock. Jason Lee Whitlock (born April 27, 1967) is an American sports columnist, podcaster, and former football player. He hosts a program for the conservative media company Blaze Media titled Fearless with Jason Whitlock. Whitlock is a former columnist at The Kansas City Star, AOL Sports, Foxsports.com, and ESPN. He was a radio personality for WHB and KCSP sports stations in the Kansas City area. Whitlock played Division… Read More Evangelical Sports Columnist and Activist Call Out “Catholic” President

Macabre Nations and Media. Why is Canada euthanising the poor? Updated.

Updated. The Compassionate Paradise of Antichrist. Jesus said, “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” — Mt. 24:12 Dark, ghoulish films, television, news and “entertainment” with heavy does of sexual content accent increasing loneliness. —First, Ross Douthat. What Euthanasia Has Done to Canada. And Elsewhere: State suicide for depressed now normal…… Read More Macabre Nations and Media. Why is Canada euthanising the poor? Updated.

Judas, The Third Temptation, and the Social Gospel — Fulton J. Sheen

 2 Corinthians 11:3 “But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 4 For if some one comes and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received,… Read More Judas, The Third Temptation, and the Social Gospel — Fulton J. Sheen

WSJ: “25 Years Later, We’re All Trapped in ‘The Matrix’”

Only Christians know what this “rabbit hole” really is, and how deep it goes. The biblical view of history alone (which the writers of The Matrix could only incompletely sense in some aspects), tells what is happening in its revelations about both good and evil —and where history is headed. WSJ: “The 1999 sci-fi classic… Read More WSJ: “25 Years Later, We’re All Trapped in ‘The Matrix’”

Rising: “WEF Promises ‘New Order,'” Restricting Speech.

BNN: “The 54th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is set to commence on January 15, 2024, in Davos, Switzerland, under the banner of ‘Rebuilding Trust’. This pivotal event aims to delve deep into the potential of burgeoning technologies, their influence on global decision-making, and the forging of worldwide partnerships. The Forum’s Participants and Agenda… Read More Rising: “WEF Promises ‘New Order,'” Restricting Speech.

Del Noce on Liberalism & the Scientism of Marx

“The order marked for destruction can be summed up in one word: Europe—the intellectual and spiritual synthesis of Rome, Athens, and Jerusalem. The new totalitarianism proceeds by negating every form of transcendence, especially the religious truth and universal reason which Del Noce calls “Platonism.” It reconceives reality as “a system of forces, not of values.” Being… Read More Del Noce on Liberalism & the Scientism of Marx

Aldous Huxley, Sex, and Corporate Psychological Manipulation

It was Aldous Huxley who, very early, saw sexual decadence combining commercial interests with political manipulation in the emerging media. And he knew what that would mean for a culture. “Aldous Huxley in his 1932 dystopian novel Brave New World depicts a culture in which pleasure is compulsory and engineered to eliminate intellectual challenge and to… Read More Aldous Huxley, Sex, and Corporate Psychological Manipulation

Pope Benedict XVI Laments Blurring of Genders. 2008.

Calls for “an ecology of the human being”. BBC: “Pope Benedict has called for “an ecology of the human being”. Pope Benedict XVI has suggested that the need to save mankind from a destructive blurring of gender roles is as important as saving the rainforests. He explained that defending God’s creation was not limited to… Read More Pope Benedict XVI Laments Blurring of Genders. 2008.

Going Left

As a Christian I’ll eagerly go as far “Left” as seeking to meet the needs of a person’s physical hunger, injury or homelessness; but never so far “Left” as approving absolute “equality” (so-called “equity” today!) in wages; or approving promiscuous immigration, or the supposedly “equitable” availability of abortion, automobiles, personal video games, pornography, sex changes,… Read More Going Left

Massachusetts Pregnancy Centers Form Alliance in Face of Campaign Against Them

“… In March of this year, Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey, a Democrat, signed a $389-million supplemental budget bill that included a $1-million “public awareness campaign focused on the dangers of crisis-pregnancy centers and pregnancy resource centers.” It’s unclear how the state is planning to use the funds, as CNA inquired with the governor’s office but… Read More Massachusetts Pregnancy Centers Form Alliance in Face of Campaign Against Them

Elon’s Future

Are we supposed to believe Elon can’t “imagine” who might take over over his global, technological infrastructure, all of his labs and his brain-chips, after he’s gone? And that he can’t imagine such forces being malignant? Elon Musk claims AI will overtake humans ‘in less than five years’. Existential threat posed by artificial intelligence is much closer… Read More Elon’s Future

Florida Gov. de Santos on Dangers of Central Bank Digital Currency. End of Privacy.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is not on board with the potential launch of a central bank digital currency by the Federal Reserve. “On … DeSantis proposed legislation that would make Florida the first state in the country to ban the use of digital currencies issued by the Fed or any foreign central bank. The Fed has been… Read More Florida Gov. de Santos on Dangers of Central Bank Digital Currency. End of Privacy.

British Parliament Passes Law Banning Prayers Outside Abortion Centers

Leading pro-life groups in the UK are very upset today after MPs voted for censorship zones outside abortion centers that ban people from praying silently outside businesses that kill babies in abortions. MPs were voting on an amendment to a clause introducing buffer zones around abortion clinics, which had been added into the Public Order… Read More British Parliament Passes Law Banning Prayers Outside Abortion Centers

The Faustian Face of Modern Science

Understanding the Epistemological Foundations of Scientific Totalitarianism. by Phillip D. Collins. Scientific totalitarianism is certainly not a new topic in the halls of political science and history. Given its bloody legacy of democide (i.e., state-sanctioned genocide, mass murder, and politicide) and its prolific spread throughout the world, scientific totalitarianism remains a preoccupying sociopolitical phenomenon of… Read More The Faustian Face of Modern Science

No Thank You, Elon.

Updated: Neuralink Corporation is a neurotechnology company that develops implantable brain–computer interfaces (BCIs). Co-founded by Elon Musk, Max Hodak and Paul Merolla, the company’s headquarters is in the Pioneer Building in San Francisco sharing offices with OpenAI.[5] Neuralink was launched in 2016 and was first publicly reported in March 2017.[1][6] —Wikipedia Telegraph UK. “His reasons to do this are two-fold. At one level, he sees an… Read More No Thank You, Elon.

Eco-extremists are leading the world towards despair, poverty, and starvation

The Telegraph, UK. Utopian solutions for saving the planet are doomed to failure – and worse. We must wake up before it is too late. Jordan Peterson 28 October 2022 •l This winter, millions of British citizens, including children, will be tipped, or dumped, into energy poverty severe enough to risk permanent damage to their health. Cold,… Read More Eco-extremists are leading the world towards despair, poverty, and starvation

Antonio Gramsci, Cultural Marxism, and Leninism 4.0.

Note: Most of us understand I think that it is important to distinguish homosexual persons (persons with homosexual tendencies ) from the elite ideological movements which, flouting the objective Natural Law, serve as the vehicle of the totalitarian  transformation of morals, language, law, history, culture, institutions and nations in the West.  — SH Cultural Marxism New Discourses: “Gramsci understood… Read More Antonio Gramsci, Cultural Marxism, and Leninism 4.0.