Why Recognizing Jesus as the Messiah Is the Culmination of My Jewish Faith

“… several years after my Bat Mitzvah, I started to ask myself deeper questions: What is the real purpose of our human existence? What really happens when we die? And God, why do YOU feel so far away? I felt like I received a fantastic introduction to God, but I was still, somehow, craving more: I wanted a… Read More Why Recognizing Jesus as the Messiah Is the Culmination of My Jewish Faith

To be Clear: “The New Mass and Indefectibility”. Michael Davies.

by Michael Davies.From Catholic, October 1996. The Catholic Church was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son made Man. He has promised His Church that She will continue to exist exactly as He constituted her until He comes again in glory to judge the living and the dead. The Catholic Church is the Church that is indefectible. The… Read More To be Clear: “The New Mass and Indefectibility”. Michael Davies.

Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange on Reason and The Law of Non-Contradiction.

” a thing cannot be and not be at the same time”— St. Thomas (Summa Contra Gentiles, Book 1, chap. 84) “…reason’s first principle is the principle of contradiction. He who denies this principle affirms a self-destructive sentence. To deny this principle is to annihilate language, is to destroy all substance, all distinction between things, all… Read More Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange on Reason and The Law of Non-Contradiction.

Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith. Athanasius Schneider.

“For the first time in over fifty years, a Catholic bishop has published his own comprehensive presentation of the Faith–what to believe, how to live, and how to pray as Christ taught. Sure to be a classic for generations to come, Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith offers a clear and readable summary of Catholicism… Read More Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith. Athanasius Schneider.

Catholic Critique

Why Catholic Critique? To confess the Faith to any who wish to hear or see. “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9)…” “If you continue in my word, then you are my disciples…” (Jn. 8:31) This website is a small,… Read More Catholic Critique

Dr. Arthur Holmes Lectures. A History of Philosophy.

… excellent series, very informative and very fair to Catholic, Protestant and Enlightenment philosophies. Arthur Frank Holmes “served in the Royal Air Force during World War II. He was an English philosopher who “served as Professor of Philosophy at Wheaton College in Illinois, US from 1951 to 1994…He built the philosophy department at Wheaton where he taught,… Read More Dr. Arthur Holmes Lectures. A History of Philosophy.

The Gates of Hell — (Formal Heresies within and without) — Do Not Prevail

“Master, do you not care that we perish?” — Mark iv. 38. “… we bear in mind what was promised about the holy church and him who said that the gates of hell will not prevail against it (by these we understand the death-dealing tongues of heretics); we also bear in mind what was prophesied… Read More The Gates of Hell — (Formal Heresies within and without) — Do Not Prevail

Benedict XVI: The “Spiritual Power of AntiChrist”

Benedict XVI: “The true threat for the Church, and thus for the Petrine service … comes from the universal dictatorship of apparently humanistic ideologies. Anyone who contradicts this dictatorship is excluded from the basic consensus of society. One hundred years ago, anyone would have thought it absurd to speak of [The rainbow revolution]. Today those… Read More Benedict XVI: The “Spiritual Power of AntiChrist”

Testimony to the remarkable legacy of Peter Kreeft

Celebrating the remarkable legacy of the prolific Peter Kreeft “Peter Kreeft is one of the most prolific, respected, and influential Catholic writers of the last fifty years. He is the author of nearly a hundred books (he doesn’t keep count, but says it’s somewhere around there), more than forty of which have been published by… Read More Testimony to the remarkable legacy of Peter Kreeft

Unfinished debate? Dr. Phillip Blosser: The Kasper-Ratzinger debate & the state of the Church

An unfinished controversy? By Philip Blosser | April 2002Philip Blosser, Professor of Philosophy at Lenoir-Rhyne College in Hickory, North Carolina. “When Cardinals clash in public, it’s serious.“ My priest and I occasionally share articles with each other in an ongoing amicable discussion about the state of the Church. He recently gave me a copy of… Read More Unfinished debate? Dr. Phillip Blosser: The Kasper-Ratzinger debate & the state of the Church

Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Liturgical Renewal

Summorum Pontificum Not Motivated by Lefebvre Schism Benedict XVI: “The reauthorization of the Tridentine Mass is often interpreted primarily as a concession to the Society of Saint Pius X. This is just absolutely false! It was important for me that the Church is one with herself inwardly, with her own past; that what was previously holy… Read More Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Liturgical Renewal

Lifesite News Reports The Persecution of The Late Mother Angelica’s Nuns

How Mother Angelica’s nuns suffered loss, decay from fight against tradition. [Photo: Fr. Timothy Radcliff, LGBT activist] Maike HicksonLifesite NewsMon Oct 4, 2021 FAIRFIELD, Pennsylvania (LifeSiteNews) — Even nuns in a monastery founded by EWTN’s Mother Angelica have suffered from an insensitive “Apostolic Visitation”, a Vatican-approved investigation. In a newly published interview conducted by LifeSite’s… Read More Lifesite News Reports The Persecution of The Late Mother Angelica’s Nuns