Localism — or what?

What good is “progress” in the wrong direction Chesterton asked.

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates…

The Jetsons fantasy.

After Oppenheimer? Really?

But, the Progressives retort, it’s only crazy reactionaries who oppose Penicillin —or Planned Parenthood (as if these were morally equivalent) who oppose Progress.

No specious rationalization can justify R&D technology for the sake of an ill-defined “growth” for it’s own sake.

Jobs? Doing what and going where? 

Even putting the biblical view of history aside, after what we experienced in the 20th century we should understand why it all leads to very sane apocalyptic fears.

The future, if there is to be one, belongs to localism — local people have common sense; big government and big tech has precious little— or we may very well perish by our own hands — which is precisely what Scripture tells us to fear.

+ Vocation v. Job hunting, 1948