“What was sacred for our ancestors remains sacred and great for us” — BXVI

“There is no contradiction between the two editions of the Roman Missal. In the history of liturgy growth and progress are found, but not a rupture. What was sacred for our ancestors remains sacred and great for us and it is not permissible that it be suddenly prohibited altogether, nor that it be judged as… Read More “What was sacred for our ancestors remains sacred and great for us” — BXVI

In the Most Grave Confusion(s): “The People Are Not Oblidged to Know…”

St. Antoninus: In the Event of the Most Grave Confusion(s): “The people are not oblidged to know…” And St. Thomas Aquinas on whether one must avoid (ipso facto or otherwise) excommunicated persons before sentence has been passed Principles St. Antoninus, commenting on the Great Western Schism “The question was much discussed and much was written in… Read More In the Most Grave Confusion(s): “The People Are Not Oblidged to Know…”

Christmas in Harvard Square and Roxbury

The Rosary of the Sick, linked here, was recorded at this Shrine. My wife, Diane, and I made a short pilgrimage to the Shrine for Christmas Mass, staying over nearby in Harvard Square. Mary the Finder of Grace. “The Basilica and Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help informally known as The Mission Church is a Roman Catholic basilica in the Mission Hill neighborhood… Read More Christmas in Harvard Square and Roxbury

To be Clear: “The New Mass and Indefectibility”. Michael Davies.

by Michael Davies.From Catholic, October 1996. The Catholic Church was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son made Man. He has promised His Church that She will continue to exist exactly as He constituted her until He comes again in glory to judge the living and the dead. The Catholic Church is the Church that is indefectible. The… Read More To be Clear: “The New Mass and Indefectibility”. Michael Davies.

Fr. Louis Bouyer on the Liturgical Reform and Its Architects

September 17, 2014 Gregory DipippoNew Liturgical Movement Sandro Magister has just published on the website of L’Espresso an interesting account of the Mémoirs of Fr Louis Bouyer, the French convert and Oratorian priest who played so prominent a role in the post-Conciliar reforms, not the least because of his personal friendship with Pope Paul VI.… Read More Fr. Louis Bouyer on the Liturgical Reform and Its Architects

Archbishop Gänswein’s New Book on Benedict XVI

National Catholic Register: “The book, which offers insights into Pope Benedict XVI through the eyes of a direct witness, should be understood as a memorial, not an indictment. …of course, there is Archbishop Gänswein’s open anger and surprise at being abruptly relieved of his post as prefect of the Papal Household by Pope Francis, without… Read More Archbishop Gänswein’s New Book on Benedict XVI

Larry Chapp interviews Shaun Blanchard on Councils & Liturgy

Opinion(s). Dr. Larry Chapp interviews Dr. Shaun Blanchard who has written extensively on the topic of Vatican II, the hermeneutic of reform, the papacy of Pope Francis, and Traditionis Custodes.  Note: Posting this interesting discussion does not imply necessary agreement with every opinion expressed. SH — Dying on the Wrong Hill. Thomas Storck on our… Read More Larry Chapp interviews Shaun Blanchard on Councils & Liturgy

White Lies

“…that you may know how you ought to behave yourself self in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” — 1 Timothy 3:15 The living Word of God dwells within, and never apart from, the Pillar and Ground of Truth, the Interpreting Church… Read More White Lies

Traditionis Custodes. New Oxford Review.

Traditionis Custodes: Taking a Bulldozer to an Anthill. Traditionalists and Pope Francis by Pieter Vree, editor |New Oxford Review, October 2021 “Nobody comes out clean…” In January 1985 President Ronald Reagan, a Republican, signed the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits federally funded nongovernmental organizations from performing or promoting abortions in foreign countries. The next Democrat… Read More Traditionis Custodes. New Oxford Review.

2021. Synod on Synodality, Oct. 2021. Opening Mass in San Bernardino.

October 17. The way it is. Actual Streaming beginning around 9:35 min. Photo above. Michael Madrigal, a lay minister in the Diocese of San Bernardino, recites the “Native American Prayer to the Four Directions” at the beginning of the diocese’s opening Mass for the Synod on Synodality, Oct. 17, 2021 at Holy Angels Church in… Read More 2021. Synod on Synodality, Oct. 2021. Opening Mass in San Bernardino.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Liturgical Renewal

Summorum Pontificum Not Motivated by Lefebvre Schism Benedict XVI: “The reauthorization of the Tridentine Mass is often interpreted primarily as a concession to the Society of Saint Pius X. This is just absolutely false! It was important for me that the Church is one with herself inwardly, with her own past; that what was previously holy… Read More Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Liturgical Renewal

The Meaning of the Mass

From ProdigalCatholic.Com: “In this talk (below), Fulton Sheen explains the meaning of the Mass. This is a fantastic talk that deserves to be listened to many times. Below are some notes I’ve taken while listening to the talk.  First, Sheen answers a common complaint. “Do you know the reason why you don’t get anything out… Read More The Meaning of the Mass

A Review of Roberto de Mattei’s “The Second Vatican Council: An Unwritten Story”

The who, what, where, when, and why of the Council by Michael J. Miller. Catholic World Report The famous black-and-white photograph of the Second Vatican Council in session, taken from a high balcony at the back of Saint Peter’s Basilica, shows more than 2,000 Council Fathers standing at their places in slanted stalls that line… Read More A Review of Roberto de Mattei’s “The Second Vatican Council: An Unwritten Story”

Harmony and Differences on Predestination in Catholic Theology

Reginald Garrigou Lagrange and St. Alphonsus Ligouri 1. Catholic Thomist Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange’s Summary of Predestination: “Herein lies the great mystery of grace: it’s two aspects which are to be harmonized, may be expressed in the following manner: this mystery contains a striking light and shade: The light is expressed in two principles; the shade is… Read More Harmony and Differences on Predestination in Catholic Theology

155 A.D. The Mass According to Saint Justin Martyr

A brief comparison of liturgy from the 2nd century and liturgy today “While there exist many different liturgical rites within the Catholic Church, each with their own unique traditions, the basic structure of the Mass across all these rites is the same as it it was in the 2nd century. When compared side-by-side, surprisingly little… Read More 155 A.D. The Mass According to Saint Justin Martyr