Biden Tells Netanyahu US Won’t Support Attack On Iran

President Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the US wouldn’t join Israel in any offensive action against Iran, multiple media outlets have reported. US officials are touting Israel’s defense of Iran’s attack as a victory, and that’s the message Biden conveyed to Netanyahu, a sign the US doesn’t want the situation to escalate. Iran… Read More Biden Tells Netanyahu US Won’t Support Attack On Iran

How Today’s Regional Conflicts Resemble the Ones That Produced World War II

Foreign Affairs: “…When Americans think of global war, they typically think of World War II—or the part of the war that began with Japan’s strike on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. After that attack, and Adolf Hitler’s subsequent declaration of war against the United States, the conflict was a single, all-encompassing struggle between rival alliances on… Read More How Today’s Regional Conflicts Resemble the Ones That Produced World War II

Pope Francis has called for an immediate halt to the conflict in Gaza

No food, no water, no electricity, no escape as attacks intensify overnights Pope Francis repeated his call for a ceasefire in Gaza and called on Hamas to release hostages, invoking God, in a series of tweets addressing the conflict on Sunday. “In God’s name, I beg you to stop: cease using weapons,” Francis said. “I hope that avenues will… Read More Pope Francis has called for an immediate halt to the conflict in Gaza

Genocidal Hamas

If the West has too often acted unjustly throughout the world —and it certainly has— this fact can never make genocidal Hamas right. “Hamas never wanted peace with Israel.” The Christian Post. “It was — and is — the mission of Hamas to obliterate Israel, not make peace with Israel. As noted in an October… Read More Genocidal Hamas

‘The left has really let us down.’ Why many American Jews feel abandoned.

“The left has really let us down.’ Why many American Jews feel abandoned Like many American Jews, Jonah Goldman sides politically with the left, including its push for the rights of Palestinians. During college, he was active in J Street, the liberal Jewish advocacy group that opposes the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and lobbies… Read More ‘The left has really let us down.’ Why many American Jews feel abandoned.

Israel and Palestine Today. Dershowitz–Finkelstein.

The Palestinian Argument Today. Context, 2004. Dershowitz: The Case for Israel and Palestine. Debate: Norman Finkelstein vs. Alan Dershowitz (2003). Image Source: Politico “The Dershowitz–Finkelstein affair was a public controversy involving academics Alan Dershowitz and Norman Finkelstein and their scholarship on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in 2005. Shortly after the publication of the book The Case for Israel, by Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz, Norman Finkelstein… Read More Israel and Palestine Today. Dershowitz–Finkelstein.

Massive Intelligence Failure on Israel’s Part

— France24 Report. “Ground incursions expected”. — Israel’s high-tech spies and $1bn Iron Dome defences failed to stop Hamas massacring civilians in ’embarrassing failure’ — 12 Hours Later. Developments. — Some 300 dead and counting — Regional Leaders React. RFJ Jr. Calls for “Sustained Military Campaign” in Response to Unprovoked Hamas Attack on Israel. Kennedy… Read More Massive Intelligence Failure on Israel’s Part

Nagasaki Was A Strike Against Japan And The Catholic Church

Victor Gaetan is senior international correspondent for the National Catholic Register 8/21. The closer we look at decisions to deploy a second atomic weapon against Japan on August 9, [1945…] the more morally audacious the tactic appears. Step outside the American explanatory cloud—we bombed military installations to force unconditional imperial surrender—defining public understanding to see:… Read More Nagasaki Was A Strike Against Japan And The Catholic Church

Cluster Bomb Orgy of Death

“A cluster munition is a form of air-dropped or ground-launched explosive weapon that releases or ejects smaller submunitions. Commonly, this is a cluster bomb that ejects explosive bomblets that are designed to kill personnel and destroy vehicles. Other cluster munitions are designed to destroy runways or electric power transmission lines.”— Wikipedia “The use of cluster bombs, banned by 123 countries, has not helped the Russians… Read More Cluster Bomb Orgy of Death

War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict

Medea Benjamin Russia’s brutal February 2022 invasion of Ukraine has attracted widespread condemnation across the West. Government and media circles present the conflict as a simple dichotomy between an evil empire and an innocent victim. In this concise, accessible and highly informative primer, Medea Benjamin and Nicolas Davies insist the picture is more complicated. Yes,… Read More War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict

Are Moral Truths and Free Inquiry Being Outlawed in America Today?

Tucker Carlson cancelled by Fox News. Opinion. Updated. NEW YORK (LifeSiteNews) — “Conservative media titan Tucker Carlson and Fox News on Monday “agreed to part ways” effective immediately. Carlson’s last broadcast was April 21, giving the hugely popular host no opportunity to bid farewell to his audience. An announcement from Fox News shared on social media… Read More Are Moral Truths and Free Inquiry Being Outlawed in America Today?

Videodrome. When the Seven Deadly Sins of Excess Morphed Into “Progress”

David Halberstam’s The Fifties: “Selling The American Way” “The Fifties is a sweeping social, political, economic, and cultural history of the 10 years that Halberstam regards as seminal in determining what our nation is today. Halberstam offers portraits of not only the titans of the age: Eisenhower, Dulles, Oppenheimer, MacArthur, Hoover, and Nixon; but also of… Read More Videodrome. When the Seven Deadly Sins of Excess Morphed Into “Progress”

So Many Hitler’s!

By Pieter Vree, New Oxford Review “…  NATO is a “done deal,” but Ukraine’s membership isn’t. Though the United States is “obliged” to defend NATO states, we are not required to defend non-NATO states such as Ukraine. With all due respect to Joseph Kerwin and A. James McAdams, calling Putin the next Hitler is facile… Read More So Many Hitler’s!

God is a “Man of War”. The Problem of Violence in Scripture

Note: SH. Today it is States alone which consider the punishment of [political and ever-evolving moral] “sins” to be their exclusive prerogative. And these States employ the shocking punishments most liberally day after day. Countless millions have died. But there exists One who is far above and infinitely mightier than creaturely states (Exo. 3:14-17) Who… Read More God is a “Man of War”. The Problem of Violence in Scripture

Pres. Biden Wants a “New World Order” She Says

… beyond “morality” or “Democracy”… “Now whatever your views are on [former President] Donald Trump,” she says,” there’s no denying that the unprecedented raid on his Palm Beach home earlier this week has set our country on a dangerous new course, and there’s no turning back,” Gabbard said. “Gabbard, who also serves as a lieutenant… Read More Pres. Biden Wants a “New World Order” She Says

What the Critics of the Crusades Forget or Ignore

By historian William Thomas Walsh “Of the external foes of the Church, Mohammedanism was one of the most dangerous and long enduring. Ideologically it was not external, but one of the great heresies, containing as it did many Christian elements, mingled with some borrowed from Judaism, and much gross and carnal materialism foreign to both;… Read More What the Critics of the Crusades Forget or Ignore

Pope Francis wants to meet Putin in Moscow. Blames NATO For Starting The War

(CNA) Pope Francis has said that he will not visit Ukraine right now, but he would like to meet Vladimir Putin in Moscow if the Russian president is willing. In an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, published May 3, the pope said that he asked Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin about 20 days… Read More Pope Francis wants to meet Putin in Moscow. Blames NATO For Starting The War

Justice and War

Just and Unjust Wars The Catholic Church distinguishes between two types of justice concerning war: jus ad bellum and jus in bello. Most of the time, when people discuss just-war theory, they mean jus ad bellum (justice before the war). Jus ad bellum refers to those four conditions described by Saint Augustine through which we determine whether a war is just before… Read More Justice and War