How Modern Art Took a Dump on Christian Western Civilization

Or, there are many ways to resent and persecute what is envied and hated. Originally Titled: Modern Art. The Goldsmith Company Lecture David StarkeyGoldsmith Lecture2017 The Inquiring Mind writes “Starkey is in great form in this lecture where he excoriates conceptual art “For the inaugural Goldsmiths’ Company lecture, Dr. David Starkey spoke on the subject… Read More How Modern Art Took a Dump on Christian Western Civilization

Pornography: and Spiritual Devastation.

Beyond excuses and worldly rationalizations, pornography represents an abuse of ‘liberty’ and makes a mockery of Western Law. It should be outlawed. It is a clear and present danger to human souls and threatens marriages, families, priestly vocations, every child of God. More… —May 2023: Testosterone levels ‘plummeting’ in young men due to porn consumption… Read More Pornography: and Spiritual Devastation.