Hegel, the Idolatry of the State,  and the Cunning of [his] ‘Reason’.

Updated. “Hegel is the ideological nexus where the Gnostic scientific dictatorships of Nazism and Communism intersect.” — Phillip and Paul Collins, The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship. “All the worth which the human being possesses – all spiritual reality, he possesses only through the State. … For Truth is the Unity of the universal and… Read More Hegel, the Idolatry of the State,  and the Cunning of [his] ‘Reason’.

Joseph Pearce on Secular Revolution & Hope: A History Lesson

History is full of surprises. One such surprise is the manner in which the secularist cataclysm of the French Revolution prompted a religious revival across the Channel in England. It was indeed ironic that the new spirit of absolute religious intolerance in France following that country’s Revolution of 1789 prompted a new spirit of relative… Read More Joseph Pearce on Secular Revolution & Hope: A History Lesson

Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange on Reason and The Law of Non-Contradiction.

” a thing cannot be and not be at the same time”— St. Thomas (Summa Contra Gentiles, Book 1, chap. 84) “…reason’s first principle is the principle of contradiction. He who denies this principle affirms a self-destructive sentence. To deny this principle is to annihilate language, is to destroy all substance, all distinction between things, all… Read More Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange on Reason and The Law of Non-Contradiction.

Videodrome. When the Seven Deadly Sins of Excess Morphed Into “Progress”

David Halberstam’s The Fifties: “Selling The American Way” “The Fifties is a sweeping social, political, economic, and cultural history of the 10 years that Halberstam regards as seminal in determining what our nation is today. Halberstam offers portraits of not only the titans of the age: Eisenhower, Dulles, Oppenheimer, MacArthur, Hoover, and Nixon; but also of… Read More Videodrome. When the Seven Deadly Sins of Excess Morphed Into “Progress”

British Parliament Passes Law Banning Prayers Outside Abortion Centers

Leading pro-life groups in the UK are very upset today after MPs voted for censorship zones outside abortion centers that ban people from praying silently outside businesses that kill babies in abortions. MPs were voting on an amendment to a clause introducing buffer zones around abortion clinics, which had been added into the Public Order… Read More British Parliament Passes Law Banning Prayers Outside Abortion Centers

‘Canceling Henry VIII.’ And ‘The Myth of ‘Bloody Mary’

Joseph Pearce and Linda Porter. Canceling Henry VIII. by Joseph Peace.Catholic World Report. “Times change. A century ago, Henry VIII was lionized as an English patriotic icon and as one of the truly great men of history. He was praised for being highly cultured and for his love of music, and was credited with writing… Read More ‘Canceling Henry VIII.’ And ‘The Myth of ‘Bloody Mary’

Is Reading Fiction a Waste of Time?

How do we experience life? What is it to be human? How do we see? What is the relationship between reading and history, reading and science, metaphysics…empathy, philosophy, religion and art? …More. — How to Mark a Book by Mortimer Adler — The social disaster: Children who frequently check social media face significant brain changes

The Gates of Hell — (Formal Heresies within and without) — Do Not Prevail

“Master, do you not care that we perish?” — Mark iv. 38. “… we bear in mind what was promised about the holy church and him who said that the gates of hell will not prevail against it (by these we understand the death-dealing tongues of heretics); we also bear in mind what was prophesied… Read More The Gates of Hell — (Formal Heresies within and without) — Do Not Prevail

Was Christopher Columbus the Villain of the Americas? Dr. Carol Delaney

Dr. Carol Delaney is a non-Catholic, non-religious cultural anthropologist. Carol Lowery Delaney (b. December 12, 1940) is American anthropologist and author. Delaney earned an A.B. in philosophy from Boston University in 1962, an M.T.S. from Harvard Divinity School in 1976, and her Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from the University of Chicago in 1984. The book:… Read More Was Christopher Columbus the Villain of the Americas? Dr. Carol Delaney

Myth Perceptions, Joseph Campbell’s Power of Deceit

by Dr. Tom Snyder, PhD. Joseph Campbell “didn’t have an ideology or a theology,” claims reporter Bill Moyers in his 1988 The Power of Myth television series, frequently broadcast on PBS stations across America. During the six hours of intense interviews with the late mythologist, however, Campbell proves Moyers wrong. The supposedly non-existent theology of Campbell permeates… Read More Myth Perceptions, Joseph Campbell’s Power of Deceit

What the Critics of the Crusades Forget or Ignore

By historian William Thomas Walsh “Of the external foes of the Church, Mohammedanism was one of the most dangerous and long enduring. Ideologically it was not external, but one of the great heresies, containing as it did many Christian elements, mingled with some borrowed from Judaism, and much gross and carnal materialism foreign to both;… Read More What the Critics of the Crusades Forget or Ignore