Why Does Tudor History Matter— (& not Just for Britain)?

“The decision to exercise the rights of his royal supremacy to decide theological doctrine and practice, despite Anne Boleyn’s fall and Henry’s remarriage to Jane Seymour (who was rumoured to be conservative in religion) came as a surprise to some European commentators, who had hoped for Henry’s return to the Catholic fold once Anne was… Read More Why Does Tudor History Matter— (& not Just for Britain)?

British Parliament Passes Law Banning Prayers Outside Abortion Centers

Leading pro-life groups in the UK are very upset today after MPs voted for censorship zones outside abortion centers that ban people from praying silently outside businesses that kill babies in abortions. MPs were voting on an amendment to a clause introducing buffer zones around abortion clinics, which had been added into the Public Order… Read More British Parliament Passes Law Banning Prayers Outside Abortion Centers

‘Canceling Henry VIII.’ And ‘The Myth of ‘Bloody Mary’

Joseph Pearce and Linda Porter. Canceling Henry VIII. by Joseph Peace.Catholic World Report. “Times change. A century ago, Henry VIII was lionized as an English patriotic icon and as one of the truly great men of history. He was praised for being highly cultured and for his love of music, and was credited with writing… Read More ‘Canceling Henry VIII.’ And ‘The Myth of ‘Bloody Mary’

Could Walsingham point the way to a post-Francis liturgical renewal?

… Being careful to provide and protect the hermeneutic of continuity of Pope Benedict XVI. “Built in the mid-14th century, and dedicated to Saint Catherine of Alexandria, this chapel served pilgrims on their way to England’s Nazareth. Saint Catherine was the patron saint of pilgrims to the Holy Land and her knights kept open the… Read More Could Walsingham point the way to a post-Francis liturgical renewal?

The Most Important Biblical-Catholic Apologist Today

See many more of Mr. Horn’s episodes on his playlists at YouTube. “After his conversion to the Catholic faith, Trent Horn earned master’s degrees in the fields of theology, philosophy, and bioethics. He serves as a staff apologist for Catholic Answers, where he specializes in teaching Catholics to graciously and persuasively engage those who disagree… Read More The Most Important Biblical-Catholic Apologist Today

The Occult Reign and Wizardry of Elizabeth I Queen of England

Elizabeth’s Occult Reign. John Dee: Scholar, Courtier, Adviser to Queen, purveyor of “Science”, the original 007. “Founder of the Rosicrucian Order, the protestant response to the Jesuits.” (5) By Carolyn McDowall  Feb. 5, 2016 John Dee (1527-1608) English born Welsh mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher, imperialist, and adviser to Queen Elizabeth 1, it has been… Read More The Occult Reign and Wizardry of Elizabeth I Queen of England