Patriarchy or Degeneracy: Christian Masculinity vs. The Red Pill

“It’s a basic fact of anthropology that all societies have been patriarchies. As Aristotle said, men rule. And since grace builds on nature, Gordon writes that “Christ established not only a clerical patriarchy … but also a lay patriarchy.” Each husband is priest, prophet, and king of the mini-Church of his own household. Yet the… Read More Patriarchy or Degeneracy: Christian Masculinity vs. The Red Pill

Lionel Shriver Speaks it Plain

From gender delusions today to the family-damaging psychiatric-induced “Recovered Memory Syndrome” of yesterday, the inmates, everyone knows, are running the asylum. Lionel Shriver – author of the new novel, Mania – returns to The Brendan O’Neill Show. Lionel and Brendan discuss the collective derangement behind lockdown, climate alarmism, the trans ideology, and more. Journalist and author Lionel Shriver… Read More Lionel Shriver Speaks it Plain

NYT: Vatican Document Casts Gender Change and Fluidity as Threat to Human Dignity

“The statement is likely to be embraced by conservatives and stir consternation among L.G.B.T.Q. advocates who fear it will be used as a cudgel against transgender people.” The Vatican on Monday issued a new document approved by Pope Francis stating that the church believes that gender fluidity and transition surgery, as well as surrogacy, amount… Read More NYT: Vatican Document Casts Gender Change and Fluidity as Threat to Human Dignity

The State in Your Home. What Does Harvard Think of Homeschoolers?

Well, it certainly is interested, as witness the following. “A RAPIDLY INCREASING number of American families are opting out of sending their children to school, choosing instead to educate them at home. Homeschooled kids now account for roughly 3 percent to 4 percent of school-age children in the United States, a number equivalent to those attending charter… Read More The State in Your Home. What Does Harvard Think of Homeschoolers?

Abigail Favale on the Genesis of Gender

“The question of gender—who we are as men and women—has never been more pressing, or more misunderstood. Weaving personal experience with expert knowledge, Dr. Abigail Favale provides an in-depth yet accessible account of the gender paradigm: a framework for understanding reality and identity that has recently risen to prominence. Favale traces the genealogy of gender to its… Read More Abigail Favale on the Genesis of Gender

Letter to Our Children Regarding the American ‘Mother’s’ Day

Since American Leftist ideologues are in the process of cancelling mothers, other women, and girls even up to official White House documents; and since indeed they will not allow the traditional scriptural definition of women and girls, your mother and I will no longer celebrate the American corporate ‘Mothers Day’ money grab. We will be… Read More Letter to Our Children Regarding the American ‘Mother’s’ Day