America’s Feast Days — To Itself

For Catholics our every Eucharist is Thanksgiving day (lit. from Koinē Greek: εὐχαριστία). And only a neopagan nation could conceive of a national syncretic Thanksgiving Day apart from the Eucharist. This is American simulacra. SH.

By Solange Strong Hertz. Thanksgiving and more.

“…[R]eligion, of course, is what the [1776-1789] Revolution is all about, for no one believes less in separation of Church and state than Satan. What he seems to destroy he merely intends to replace with something of his own.

Hear Rousseau on this, who discerned clearly the logical consequences of democracy:

“There is therefore a purely civil profession of faith of which the Sovereign should fix the articles, not exactly as religious dogmas, but as social sentiments without which a man cannot be a good citizen or a faithful subject.”

That democracy has evolved a civic liturgy even now in effect no one can deny. It has a “ferial” cycle disturbingly reminiscent of the Catholic one: New Year’s Day in place of Christmas; Independence Day for its Easter; Thanksgiving Day for Pentecost, Memorial Day for All Souls, and even a Mother’s Day to replace the Assumption.

And there is a rich sanctoral cycle of “saints” like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, or Martin Luther King to choose from, not to mention other possibilities like Earth Day or Halloween. And there are hymns, too, begging the vague but universal “god of your choice” to crown America’s good with Brotherhood from sea to shining sea – all useful aids for reinforcing the civil dogmas.

“While it [the civil profession of faith] can compel no one to believe them,” admits Rousseau: …it can banish him, not for impiety, but as an anti-social being, incapable of truly loving the laws and justice, and of sacrificing at need his life to his duty. If anyone, after publicly recognizing these dogmas, behaves as if he does not believe them, let him be punished by death: he has committed the worst of all crimes, that of lying before the law.

U.S. Capitol. The new gods.

The dogmas of civil religion ought to be few, simple, and exactly worded, without explanation or commentary … Its negative dogmas I confine to one, intolerance, which is a part of the cults we have rejected …

Now that there can be no longer an exclusive national religion, tolerance should be given to all religions that tolerate others, so long as their dogmas contain nothing contrary to the duties of citizenship. But whoever dares to say: ‘Outside the Church there is no salvation,’ ought to be driven from the State, unless the State is the Church, and the prince the pontiff.” (See The Social Contract).

So much for the “tolerance” of the new religion. Let no one think to be joined with Christ who is not prepared to be crucified under Pontius Pilate, for the godless state is ever Satan’s arm.

That the authors of the Revolution were against the Faith has been amply documented. We have the word of that high priest of Masonry Albert Pike to the effect that “Masonry, in 1717, and afterwards to 1745, had for one of its purposes at least, if not the chief one, to sustain the Act of Parliament settling the succession and excluding the Stuarts and all Papists” (Quoted by Joseph Fort Newton in his foreword to The Old Constitutions of Masonry).

Ancient Religion

Thomas Paine’s famous The Age of Reason, written in Paris in 1794, is one long blasphemous dissertation against revealed religion, in which the author’s familiarity with Scripture is little short of astounding. Of note is the fact that the work ends with a section entitled “Origin of Freemasonry,” in which he attempts to prove that both Masonry and Christianity are derived from sun worship.”

—- from “The Star-Spangled Heresy: Americanism” by Solange Hertz

Solange Hertz


Our State Religion by Solange Hertz