Genocidal Hamas

If the West has too often acted unjustly throughout the world —and it certainly has— this fact can never make genocidal Hamas right.

Hamas never wanted peace with Israel.”

The Christian Post.

“It was — and is — the mission of Hamas to obliterate Israel, not make peace with Israel.

As noted in an October 10 article in The Atlantic, “A close read of Hamas’s founding documents clearly shows its intentions.” Accordingly, the headline was titled, “Understanding Hamas’s Genocidal Ideology.”

Genocidal indeed. As even NPR acknowledges, “The group has vowed to annihilate Israel and has been responsible for many suicide bombings and other deadly attacks on civilians and Israeli soldiers.”

And, just as ISIS was a religion-based murder cult, the same holds true for Hamas.

Both groups do what they do in the name of Allah, slaughtering the innocent in the cruelest, most demonic ways while shouting, “Allah Akbar.” (Raping women can also be done in Allah’s name in their demented form of faith.)

That’s why you don’t make peace with the likes of ISIS or Hamas. You thwart them.

Put another way, people who proclaim, “We love death more than you love life” are not ready to sit down at the table and reason together.

As Robert Spencer said with reference to ISIS,

“’We love death more than you love life.’ This is civilization’s ultimate challenge. Will the lovers of death and destruction overwhelm and defeat those who love life and have created great civilizations that celebrate human creativity and achievement? Will all that is left of three thousand years of human civilization be reduced to rubble and a mindless religio-ideological lockstep?…”

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