The Real St. Francis

Trent Horn: “A lot of people think St. Francis of Assisi was just a hippie who preached the “serenity prayer” to animals. But did you know St. Francis actually preached on the fires of hell and didn’t say many of the sayings we attribute to him? It’s time to meet “the real St. Francis”!

“…What I don’t love though, is when people take Saint Francis or any other saint and co-opt them for their own purposes and turn the saint into a kind of ventriloquist dummy or a parody of who he or she really was. This happens to other saints, but I will tell you, Saint Francis is probably the number-one offender here… or sorry, the number-one victim, I should say, that this happens to. So, that’s why the subject of today’s episode is “Will the Real Saint Francis Please Stand Up?” It’s just so discouraged to me…(More below).

The Sentimental (Fake) St. Francis

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