“What was sacred for our ancestors remains sacred and great for us” — BXVI

“There is no contradiction between the two editions of the Roman Missal. In the history of liturgy growth and progress are found, but not a rupture. What was sacred for our ancestors remains sacred and great for us and it is not permissible that it be suddenly prohibited altogether, nor that it be judged as… Read More “What was sacred for our ancestors remains sacred and great for us” — BXVI

To be Clear: “The New Mass and Indefectibility”. Michael Davies.

by Michael Davies.From Catholic, October 1996. The Catholic Church was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son made Man. He has promised His Church that She will continue to exist exactly as He constituted her until He comes again in glory to judge the living and the dead. The Catholic Church is the Church that is indefectible. The… Read More To be Clear: “The New Mass and Indefectibility”. Michael Davies.

“Inside the world’s most vicious liturgy wars.” Or… Monkeying Around With Ancient Liturgy.

Damian Thompson and Luke Coppen of The Pillar In the ancient Syro-Malabar Church of south India, clergy who try to change the liturgy do so at their peril. At St Mary’s Cathedral Basilica in Ernakulam last December, a long-standing dispute over whether the priest should face the people led to scenes in which protestors attacked… Read More “Inside the world’s most vicious liturgy wars.” Or… Monkeying Around With Ancient Liturgy.

Wilton Gregory restricts Traditional Latin Masses Further

NCRegister 7.22.22. “The Archdiocese of Washington posted the letter with the decree and liturgical norms online Friday morning. The new protocol requires priests in the archdiocese to obtain permission to offer the Ordinary Form of the Mass ad orientem, “to the east” in Ecclesiastical Latin, in which the priest and the congregation together face the tabernacle during the… Read More Wilton Gregory restricts Traditional Latin Masses Further

The quintessentially modern approach to “synodality” is empty and artificial

A Synod “filled with the usual modern technocratic, therapeutic linguistics of faux egalitarian tyranny”. Will the Church still be a “listening” Church in ten years or will the “Spirit” go mute once the Germans have given the final definitive word on the Spirit’s intentions? Larry ChappCatholic World Report April 22, 2022 I am not opposed… Read More The quintessentially modern approach to “synodality” is empty and artificial

Larry Chapp interviews Shaun Blanchard on Councils & Liturgy

Opinion(s). Dr. Larry Chapp interviews Dr. Shaun Blanchard who has written extensively on the topic of Vatican II, the hermeneutic of reform, the papacy of Pope Francis, and Traditionis Custodes.  Note: Posting this interesting discussion does not imply necessary agreement with every opinion expressed. SH — Dying on the Wrong Hill. Thomas Storck on our… Read More Larry Chapp interviews Shaun Blanchard on Councils & Liturgy

Archbishop Ganswein: Progressivist Forces Want to Destroy Benedict XVI’s Life and Work

“Vile Attack”. “Erase him from memory of the Church.” Speaking to an Italian newspaper, the pope emeritus’ personal secretary noted that such people ‘never loved him as an individual, his theology, his pontificate.’ Edward Pentin, February 10, 2022, National Catholic Register VATICAN CITY — Archbishop Georg Gänswein has claimed that a movement is not only… Read More Archbishop Ganswein: Progressivist Forces Want to Destroy Benedict XVI’s Life and Work

Traditionis Custodes. New Oxford Review.

Traditionis Custodes: Taking a Bulldozer to an Anthill. Traditionalists and Pope Francis by Pieter Vree, editor |New Oxford Review, October 2021 “Nobody comes out clean…” In January 1985 President Ronald Reagan, a Republican, signed the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits federally funded nongovernmental organizations from performing or promoting abortions in foreign countries. The next Democrat… Read More Traditionis Custodes. New Oxford Review.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Liturgical Renewal

Summorum Pontificum Not Motivated by Lefebvre Schism Benedict XVI: “The reauthorization of the Tridentine Mass is often interpreted primarily as a concession to the Society of Saint Pius X. This is just absolutely false! It was important for me that the Church is one with herself inwardly, with her own past; that what was previously holy… Read More Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Liturgical Renewal

Instruction Universae Ecclesiae

“For the Carrying Out of the Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum“. April 30, 2011 Ad Orientem: Benedict XVI wrote,”a common turning to the east during the Eucharistic Prayer remains essential. This is not a case of something accidental, but of what is essential. Looking at the priest has no importance.” Ecclesia Dei: “For the Carrying Out… Read More Instruction Universae Ecclesiae