Tucker Carlson’s Most Controversial Interview. Vince Ellison.

“Vince Everett Ellison was born on a cotton plantation in Haywood County, Tennessee.  His parents at that time were sharecroppers. Through hard work and a belief in Jesus Christ, his parents pulled him and his seven siblings out of poverty. His family started the Ellison Family Gospel singing group, where Vince sang and played multiple… Read More Tucker Carlson’s Most Controversial Interview. Vince Ellison.

The Birth of the Southern Poverty Slander Center (SPLC)

How the Southern Poverty Law Center profits from intolerance. 2000, Harper’s Magazine Foundation. “Ah, tolerance. Who could be against something so virtuous? And who could object to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Montgomery, Alabama-based group that recently sent out this heartwarming yet mildly terrifying appeal to raise money for its “Teaching Tolerance” program, which… Read More The Birth of the Southern Poverty Slander Center (SPLC)

Darwin’s Vicious Racism

“The complete title of Darwin’s most famous work, often abbreviated to The Origin of Species, was The Origin. of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. As Koster notes about Darwin’s view on race, ‘[he]never considered “the less civilized races” to be authentically human. For… Read More Darwin’s Vicious Racism

What’s been happening?

Linking antiwar, anti racism and abortion. Opinion. Bill Ayers and His Media Groupies by Cliff Kincaid.  And brought up to date— especially regarding “the Catholic movement” and the abortion connection— in a Spotify podcast below (August 2022). Bill Ayers’ claim that the Weather Underground bombed property, not people, in order to protest the Vietnam War, is two lies… Read More What’s been happening?