Rumors of “Aliens”. Deep State(s) Psy-Ops? ‘Signs and Lying Wonders’?

Updated. Fox News: “Pentagon denies secret UFO retrieval program after whistleblower bombshell“. In any case, whatever it all turns out to be, whether altogether mundane or something else, we know that one day Christians can expect “wicked deceptions” to descend upon the earth, originating from “principalities and powers …  the rulers of the world of… Read More Rumors of “Aliens”. Deep State(s) Psy-Ops? ‘Signs and Lying Wonders’?

Myth Perceptions, Joseph Campbell’s Power of Deceit

by Dr. Tom Snyder, PhD. Joseph Campbell “didn’t have an ideology or a theology,” claims reporter Bill Moyers in his 1988 The Power of Myth television series, frequently broadcast on PBS stations across America. During the six hours of intense interviews with the late mythologist, however, Campbell proves Moyers wrong. The supposedly non-existent theology of Campbell permeates… Read More Myth Perceptions, Joseph Campbell’s Power of Deceit