News Conference on FBI Malfeasance. FBI Whistlerblowers Come Forward

FBI whistleblowers say pro-life groups, Catholics and others were ‘target of the government‘ “The FBI targeted pro-life groups, Catholics, and parents attending school board meetings with investigations in an effort to “inflate” the sense that they were a domestic terrorism threat, according to new whistleblower reports. “House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, detailed the reports in a… Read More News Conference on FBI Malfeasance. FBI Whistlerblowers Come Forward

The DOJ and Catholics

“The FBI memo cited the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center, including a list of organizations the SPLC brands “radical traditional Catholic hate groups.” As I explain in my book “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center,” the SPLC took the program it used to bankrupt organizations associated with the Ku Klux… Read More The DOJ and Catholics

Jesus the Man Who Lives, And the Credulity of Our Age

by Malcolm Muggeridge The coming of Jesus into the world is the most stupendous event in human history. Is our [modern] skepticism one more manifestation of our having–in Bonhoeffer’s unhappy phrase–come of age? It would be difficult to support such a proposition in the light of the almost inconceivable credulity of today’s brain-washed public, who… Read More Jesus the Man Who Lives, And the Credulity of Our Age