Does Poverty Cause Homelessness?

Will “Assisted” Suicide Do the Job? Michael Shellenberger on Does Poverty Cause Homelessness? Shellenberger talks about the homelessness crisis in America’s big cities, which the environmentalist says is actually an addiction-and-mental-health crisis enabled by progressive policies that permit open-air drug scenes on public property, prevent police from enforcing the law, and undermine the creation of… Read More Does Poverty Cause Homelessness?

The Birth of the Southern Poverty Slander Center (SPLC)

How the Southern Poverty Law Center profits from intolerance. 2000, Harper’s Magazine Foundation. “Ah, tolerance. Who could be against something so virtuous? And who could object to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Montgomery, Alabama-based group that recently sent out this heartwarming yet mildly terrifying appeal to raise money for its “Teaching Tolerance” program, which… Read More The Birth of the Southern Poverty Slander Center (SPLC)

Scrooge and Thomas Malthus

“Dickens must have known it would have worked on the consciences of the Parliamentarians too, as it did!” At least for a time. “By advocating that population should be controlled voluntarily through birth control, abstinence, or delayed marriage – or involuntarily, and through the scourges “of war, famine, and disease,” [Thomas] Malthus was derided by his peers… Read More Scrooge and Thomas Malthus

Africa Is Not Poor Because of Colonialism.

Jordan Peterson and Magette Wade discuss Common Law and free markets Magette Wade is the founder and CEO of, dedicated to reducing racial discrimination while creating jobs and prosperity in her home country of Senegal. Throughout her career, she has created successful high-end retail brands inspired by diverse African traditions. She is a Forbes “20… Read More Africa Is Not Poor Because of Colonialism.