Will Pope Francis kill the Latin Mass?

“He regards the liturgy as reactionary and effeminate” Damian Thompson. A month ago, 18,000 young people walked on pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres Cathedral in order to demonstrate their love of the Traditional Latin Mass — an intricate and solemn ceremony which, to the horror of Pope Francis, is attracting an unlikely following among Generation Z Catholics. Inside the… Read More Will Pope Francis kill the Latin Mass?

The Universe? Who is God?

Our New Religion Isn’t Enough. Freya India.Jun 04, 2024. These days it seems like everything is described as a new religion. Social justice is a new religion. So is climate activism. Trumpism, too. I saw a funny tweet recently about how girlboss feminism has now reinvented the Sabbath, with the shocking news that we might benefit from “one lazy day” a… Read More The Universe? Who is God?

Dr. Ralph Martin on the Urgent Relevance of Gospel Teaching Today

Ralph C. Martin is a professor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary and was involved in the early Catholic charismatic renewal as founder of the Word of God (community) and cofounder of the Sword of the Spirit association of covenant communities. In this talk Ralph Martin shows how Progressives suppress many parts of Scripture in the attempt to fashion a new Gospel and a new… Read More Dr. Ralph Martin on the Urgent Relevance of Gospel Teaching Today

The post-Francis Era

Updated. Many see that we are already living in the post-Francis era today. I suspect most of his legacy will be allowed to fade away after he passes. It will matter only to small aging liberal sects until they pass too. The history of the Church shows this. Who thinks of Hans Küng anymore? + What NCR’s… Read More The post-Francis Era

Lay Movement Launches International Campaign for ‘Total Freedom of the Traditional Liturgy’

By Edward Pentin. Being a Catholic in 2024 is no easy endeavour. The West is undergoing a massive de-Christianization, so much so that Catholicism appears to be vanishing from the public sphere. Elsewhere, the number of Christians being persecuted for their faith is on the rise. What’s more, the Church has been struck by an… Read More Lay Movement Launches International Campaign for ‘Total Freedom of the Traditional Liturgy’

NYT: Vatican Document Casts Gender Change and Fluidity as Threat to Human Dignity

“The statement is likely to be embraced by conservatives and stir consternation among L.G.B.T.Q. advocates who fear it will be used as a cudgel against transgender people.” The Vatican on Monday issued a new document approved by Pope Francis stating that the church believes that gender fluidity and transition surgery, as well as surrogacy, amount… Read More NYT: Vatican Document Casts Gender Change and Fluidity as Threat to Human Dignity

Gender Theory: “The Atomic Bomb of Nihilism”

Attacking the prevenient natural order, finitude itself, gender theory is ground zero. Dr. Margaret McCarthy, interviewed by Dr. Larry Chapp here, “received her doctoral degree in theology at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute at the Lateran University in Rome (1994), with a dissertation on the contemporary theology of predestination.  Since then, her teaching and writing… Read More Gender Theory: “The Atomic Bomb of Nihilism”

‘Non-Liturgical’ Blessings Do Not Exist

NCRegister: “A blessing is not compatible with a state of sin: One cannot bless that which breaks, consumes, destroys. To which sacrament, therefore, is the blessing of an irregular couple ordered? It is not true that blessing promotes and justifies nothing, because it implicitly promotes “disordered acts” and a pseudo union… “In the text of Fiducia… Read More ‘Non-Liturgical’ Blessings Do Not Exist

Pope Francis: Gender ideology is today’s ‘worst danger’

Note: Dismissing James Martin and Jeanine Gramick rather than encouraging their rainbow agendas would have been a more eloquent gesture, but this is not without its confusing significance. Carol Glatz – Catholic News ServiceMarch 01, 2024 VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The gifts of men and women are “fruitful” together, and to erase the difference between… Read More Pope Francis: Gender ideology is today’s ‘worst danger’

In the Most Grave Confusion(s): “The People Are Not Oblidged to Know…”

St. Antoninus: In the Event of the Most Grave Confusion(s): “The people are not oblidged to know…” And St. Thomas Aquinas on whether one must avoid (ipso facto or otherwise) excommunicated persons before sentence has been passed Principles St. Antoninus, commenting on the Great Western Schism “The question was much discussed and much was written in… Read More In the Most Grave Confusion(s): “The People Are Not Oblidged to Know…”

Canterbury Cathedral

“Canterbury Cathedral, where St Thomas Becket was martyred just next to the nave, is hosting a “90s Silent Disco” over two nights Feb. 8-9. 3,000 people expected to take part. Faithful are protesting against the event with prayer vigils outside @CburyCathedral”. Faithful Catholics are being taunted all over Europe, the United States and beyond by… Read More Canterbury Cathedral

John Paul II Academy Calls for Removal of Cardinal Fernández as Vatican’s Doctrinal Chief

Edward Pentin Updated. “An academy set up by former members of the Pontifical Academy for Life has called for Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández to be dismissed, saying he “does not have the necessary minimum qualities required to fulfil the role of defender of the faith.” Members of the John Paul II Academy for Human Life… Read More John Paul II Academy Calls for Removal of Cardinal Fernández as Vatican’s Doctrinal Chief

“Who Believes Is Not Alone.” Mons. Georg Gänswein.

And an interview with Raymond Arroyo. “The collaboration between a future pope and young prelate is transformed into profound friendship when circumstances thrust Joseph Ratzinger into the Apostolic Palace, even as he expected to be released in retirement to his beloved Bavaria. Monsignor Georg Gänswein never left his side, and witnessed one of the most… Read More “Who Believes Is Not Alone.” Mons. Georg Gänswein.

When Popes Exposed and Denounced Doctrinal Ambiguity, the “Art of Deception.”

Pinned 2.15.23 —Auctorem Fidei, August 28, 1794, is a Bull issued by Pius VI in condemnation of the Gallican and Jansenist acts and tendencies of the Synod of Pistoia (1786) In the introductory text the Pope exposed the method, the “art of deception,” as Pius X did again at the dawn of the twentieth century… Read More When Popes Exposed and Denounced Doctrinal Ambiguity, the “Art of Deception.”

To be Clear: “The New Mass and Indefectibility”. Michael Davies.

by Michael Davies.From Catholic, October 1996. The Catholic Church was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son made Man. He has promised His Church that She will continue to exist exactly as He constituted her until He comes again in glory to judge the living and the dead. The Catholic Church is the Church that is indefectible. The… Read More To be Clear: “The New Mass and Indefectibility”. Michael Davies.

A Paradigm Shift in Catholic Theology? Dr. Ralph Martin.

Is Jesus Christ a mere symbol of transcendence or the concrete Redeemer proclaimed in Sacred Scripture, “the same yesterday, today and forever”? (Heb. 13:8) After graduating from the University of Notre Dame, he did graduate work in philosophy at Princeton University and holds an MA in Theology from Sacred Heart School of Theology in the… Read More A Paradigm Shift in Catholic Theology? Dr. Ralph Martin.

Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange on Reason and The Law of Non-Contradiction.

” a thing cannot be and not be at the same time”— St. Thomas (Summa Contra Gentiles, Book 1, chap. 84) “…reason’s first principle is the principle of contradiction. He who denies this principle affirms a self-destructive sentence. To deny this principle is to annihilate language, is to destroy all substance, all distinction between things, all… Read More Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange on Reason and The Law of Non-Contradiction.

National Catholic Register on Recent Vatican Statements on Baptism

Also, Dr Ralph Martin on the same.  1255 For the grace of Baptism to unfold, the parents’ help is important. So too is the role of the godfather and godmother, who must be firm believers, able and ready to help the newly baptized. As Pope St. John Paul II beautifully put it in his theology of the body, “the body… Read More National Catholic Register on Recent Vatican Statements on Baptism

Pope Francis Fires Conservative U.S. Bishop. Updated.

Tuesday Update: 11/14/23 Bishop Strickland Calls for Prayers for Pope Francis, Warns of Forces Corrupting Catholic Church WSJ: Texas Bishop Joseph Strickland, a vocal critic of the pope, has “warned of ‘blasphemies emanating from Rome’”(WSJ 11/12/23) “Ousted Bishop Speculates on the Reasons the Vatican Removed Him. National Catholic Register: ““I really can‘t look to any… Read More Pope Francis Fires Conservative U.S. Bishop. Updated.