Closer to Midnight? The Signs and Wonders of Elon Musk.

Elon Musk reveals first human has had a BRAIN implant from Neuralink’s new ‘Telepathy’ product – allowing people to use technology ‘just by thinking’. Musk announced the news on X, saying the operation happened on SundayHis company was granted permission in September to begin human trialsNeuralink is intended to allow paralyzed people to control movement… Read More Closer to Midnight? The Signs and Wonders of Elon Musk.

Larry Chapp and Matthew Ramage discuss Bishop Schneider’s new Catechism

Why I Believe it is better to fear the world’s admiration than to fear its mockery…and why not a few of us take issue with Chapp and Ramage here and believe Bishop Schneider is correct relative to “science” and the biblical witness:  we think “Science,” today, from the time of Francis Bacon especially, is one… Read More Larry Chapp and Matthew Ramage discuss Bishop Schneider’s new Catechism

Man as Image of God?

… or of Scientistic Transhumanism? Eva Vlaardingerbroek and millions of young people around the world are waking up to the threats of scientism, what Vlaardingerbroek rightly calls the “poisoned chalice of history”. Note: Living in New Time. Christians believe history is going somewhere. If man (m/w) is not allowed to flourish as the Image of… Read More Man as Image of God?

Elon’s Future

Are we supposed to believe Elon can’t “imagine” who might take over over his global, technological infrastructure, all of his labs and his brain-chips, after he’s gone? And that he can’t imagine such forces being malignant? Elon Musk claims AI will overtake humans ‘in less than five years’. Existential threat posed by artificial intelligence is much closer… Read More Elon’s Future

Darwin’s Vicious Racism

“The complete title of Darwin’s most famous work, often abbreviated to The Origin of Species, was The Origin. of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. As Koster notes about Darwin’s view on race, ‘[he]never considered “the less civilized races” to be authentically human. For… Read More Darwin’s Vicious Racism