Brain implant startup backed by Bezos and Gates testing mind-controlled computing on humans

Musk isn’t the only tech billionaire wagering on the eventual transition of BCI from radical science experiment to flourishing medical business. In December, Synchron announced a $75 million financing round that included funding from the investment firms of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. More… Madman Elon’s new brain chips “may bend your mind in strange and troubling ways” Ya Think?… Read More Brain implant startup backed by Bezos and Gates testing mind-controlled computing on humans

The Faustian Face of Modern Science

Understanding the Epistemological Foundations of Scientific Totalitarianism. by Phillip D. Collins. Scientific totalitarianism is certainly not a new topic in the halls of political science and history. Given its bloody legacy of democide (i.e., state-sanctioned genocide, mass murder, and politicide) and its prolific spread throughout the world, scientific totalitarianism remains a preoccupying sociopolitical phenomenon of… Read More The Faustian Face of Modern Science

Myth Perceptions, Joseph Campbell’s Power of Deceit

by Dr. Tom Snyder, PhD. Joseph Campbell “didn’t have an ideology or a theology,” claims reporter Bill Moyers in his 1988 The Power of Myth television series, frequently broadcast on PBS stations across America. During the six hours of intense interviews with the late mythologist, however, Campbell proves Moyers wrong. The supposedly non-existent theology of Campbell permeates… Read More Myth Perceptions, Joseph Campbell’s Power of Deceit

“New Spirituality” & the Ghost of Catholicism

By John A. Perricone | New Oxford Review, January-February 2021 The Deleterious Effects of a Subtle Inversion One of Hollywood’s more sybaritic starlets solemnly announced the other day that she was embarking on a 30-day “spiritual cleanse” in India. Since neither ecumenism nor eco-enthusiasm is my métier, I was bewildered. Could it be some novel… Read More “New Spirituality” & the Ghost of Catholicism

What’s It Like To Be A “Blob Of Brain”?

Medical experimentation tests our humanity. It also tests the humanity we ascribe to experimental subjects. by Joe AllenSeptember 10, 2021, Salvo magazine [SH Note: this essay is placed here simply to show again what’s going on in the world, and in the world of “science”. The same “scientists” who call for abortion, euthanasia, population reduction,… Read More What’s It Like To Be A “Blob Of Brain”?

John Lennon and The Seductions of Beautiful Nothing

“Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream”—John Lennon Perhaps it is one of those curious fearful symmetries that the words of John Lennon quoted above are found in the Beatles’ album titled ‘Revolver’…and that he was finally gunned down, shot multiple times in the back by a “fan”. I grew up reading Kerouac… Read More John Lennon and The Seductions of Beautiful Nothing