New Jersey court rules Catholic school can require teachers to follow Catholic teaching

(CNA) The New Jersey Supreme Court on Monday unanimously upheld a Catholic school’s ability to enforce an employee code of conduct in line with Catholic moral teaching and to fire teachers for violating that code. The ruling in Victoria Crisitello v. St. Theresa School further solidifies the ability of New Jersey religious schools of all… Read More New Jersey court rules Catholic school can require teachers to follow Catholic teaching

What’s been happening?

Linking antiwar, anti racism and abortion. Opinion. Bill Ayers and His Media Groupies by Cliff Kincaid.  And brought up to date— especially regarding “the Catholic movement” and the abortion connection— in a Spotify podcast below (August 2022). Bill Ayers’ claim that the Weather Underground bombed property, not people, in order to protest the Vietnam War, is two lies… Read More What’s been happening?