The State in Your Home. What Does Harvard Think of Homeschoolers?

Well, it certainly is interested, as witness the following. “A RAPIDLY INCREASING number of American families are opting out of sending their children to school, choosing instead to educate them at home. Homeschooled kids now account for roughly 3 percent to 4 percent of school-age children in the United States, a number equivalent to those attending charter… Read More The State in Your Home. What Does Harvard Think of Homeschoolers?

Letter to Our Children Regarding the American ‘Mother’s’ Day

Since American Leftist ideologues are in the process of cancelling mothers, other women, and girls even up to official White House documents; and since indeed they will not allow the traditional scriptural definition of women and girls, your mother and I will no longer celebrate the American corporate ‘Mothers Day’ money grab. We will be… Read More Letter to Our Children Regarding the American ‘Mother’s’ Day

Abiding Patriarchy

Hierarchy in Church and family has no retirement or expiration date. But even many so-called conservative (or ‘Trad’) couples are actually feminist in orientation, as shown by their daily attitudes, behaviors and choices, no matter how “pious” appearing otherwise. So what will their children learn? What will the future of authority become for such? The… Read More Abiding Patriarchy