Eliminating official use of ‘mother’ isn’t inclusive — it is waging war on Family

…and an attack on the Created Order of the world. And, sadly, it makes the American “Mothers Day” an hypocritical national Joke. Tragically America is ever-evolving, via something akin to the Hegelian dialectic, farther and farther away from Christ. “Male and female he created them, and he blessed them”— Genesis 5:2 “The Biden administration’s Department… Read More Eliminating official use of ‘mother’ isn’t inclusive — it is waging war on Family

Francis Schaefer on the Philosophy of being

…and Epistemology. [P]hilosophy and religion deal with the same basic questions. Christians, and especially evangelical Christians, have tended to forget this. Philosophy and religion do not deal with different questions, though they give different answers and in different terms. The basic questions of both philosophy and religion (and I mean religion here in the wide… Read More Francis Schaefer on the Philosophy of being

Patriarchy or Degeneracy: Christian Masculinity vs. The Red Pill

“It’s a basic fact of anthropology that all societies have been patriarchies. As Aristotle said, men rule. And since grace builds on nature, Gordon writes that “Christ established not only a clerical patriarchy … but also a lay patriarchy.” Each husband is priest, prophet, and king of the mini-Church of his own household. Yet the… Read More Patriarchy or Degeneracy: Christian Masculinity vs. The Red Pill