They appear to be Legion. Fr. Brendan Kilkoyne on Ireland’s Bambie Thug

“A perfect emblem for modern Ireland” — tho the real pagans of old [my ancestors – SH], whom she admires, would have sacrificed this one in a heartbeat “to make the crop grows”. “Bambie Ray Robinson (born 6 March 1993), known by their[a] stage name Bambie Thug, is an Irish singer-songwriter. They are known to mix numerous genres… Read More They appear to be Legion. Fr. Brendan Kilkoyne on Ireland’s Bambie Thug

Eliminating official use of ‘mother’ isn’t inclusive — it is waging war on Family

…and an attack on the Created Order of the world. And, sadly, it makes the American “Mothers Day” an hypocritical national Joke. Tragically America is ever-evolving, via something akin to the Hegelian dialectic, farther and farther away from Christ. “Male and female he created them, and he blessed them”— Genesis 5:2 “The Biden administration’s Department… Read More Eliminating official use of ‘mother’ isn’t inclusive — it is waging war on Family

An Ancient Interview With David L. Gray on Freemasonry

Freemasonry’s relationship with Catholicism has been back in the news lately, so I thought it might be interesting to post this ancient (and technically crude) interview with former Freemason and now Catholic theologian, David L. Gray. Dr. Gray  talks about his journey from one so-called Enlightenment to Jesus Christ, Alpha and Omega,  the Light of… Read More An Ancient Interview With David L. Gray on Freemasonry

Enter Freemasonry.

Updated. “Not only Cardinal Coccopalmerio’s proposal for a “permanent round table” of confrontation between the Church and Masonic lodges: at the meeting in Milan, Bishop Staglianò shatters the doctrinal approach and clears the way for openness in the name of Mercy.” Milan. “Dialogue, and even collaboration, between the Church and Freemasonry must go ahead, perhaps… Read More Enter Freemasonry.

America’s Feast Days — To Itself

For Catholics our every Eucharist is Thanksgiving day (lit. from Koinē Greek: εὐχαριστία). And only a neopagan nation could conceive of a national syncretic Thanksgiving Day apart from the Eucharist. This is American simulacra. SH. By Solange Strong Hertz. Thanksgiving and more. “…[R]eligion, of course, is what the [1776-1789] Revolution is all about, for no one… Read More America’s Feast Days — To Itself

Serving [the Masonic] “God,” Country and Corps: Marine Corp Goes Full Woke

Displaying Rainbow bullets and fighting whomever they’re commanded to fight. Marine Corp Goes Full Woke 2022. U.S. Marine Corps Goes Woke, Celebrates ‘Pride Month’ with Rainbow Bullets… Read it all * Sarah ArnoldDecember 22, 2022 10:00 PM Jae C. Hong In a world where everything that was once normal is now woke, it’s no surprise… Read More Serving [the Masonic] “God,” Country and Corps: Marine Corp Goes Full Woke

Our State Religion

By Solange Hertz Any citizen doubting that the Old Religion of the alchemists is the state religion of the U.S. need only make a pilgrimage to the nation’s capital, beginning with the Prayer Room established in the Capitol by joint resolution of Congress in 1954. He will find there for his devotion a small central… Read More Our State Religion

The Lord’s Prayer, Freedom, and the Spiritual Vaclav Havel

Vaclav Havel waves to crowds in Prague, shortly before becoming Czech president in December 1989. Kamila Valenta writes in America, “I was 17 years old when I heard the Lord’s Prayer spoken in public for the first time. It was in November 1989 during the Velvet Revolution, which brought freedom to Communist Czechoslovakia. The crowd… Read More The Lord’s Prayer, Freedom, and the Spiritual Vaclav Havel