Archbishop Vigano’s Fate

A discussion between Robert Moynihan, editor of Inside the Vatican magazine, and Fr. C. Murr on the reportedly imminent excommunication of Carlo Maria Viganò who served as Apostolic Nuncio to the United States 2011 to 2016. Archbishop Vigano previously served as secretary-general of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 2009 to 2011. Vatican officials have said that if such an excommunication takes place it will be on the grounds of “schism,” i.e., for virtually severing theological ties with some of the novel teachings of Pope Francis. Archbishop Vigano insists he has committed no juridical act justifying any declaration of schism but only seeks to hold on to, and teach, the traditional Catholic Faith as it has been taught from the beginning by Christ and St. Peter.

Robert Moynihan is founder and editor-in-chief of Inside the Vatican magazine and is a well-known and respected Vatican analyst.
