Tucker Carlson’s Most Controversial Interview. Vince Ellison.

“Vince Everett Ellison was born on a cotton plantation in Haywood County, Tennessee.  His parents at that time were sharecroppers. Through hard work and a belief in Jesus Christ, his parents pulled him and his seven siblings out of poverty. His family started the Ellison Family Gospel singing group, where Vince sang and played multiple… Read More Tucker Carlson’s Most Controversial Interview. Vince Ellison.


You haven’t liveduntil you’ve fallen intocoma. It happened to meabout five weeks ago. It was otherwise an ordinary day.I went to work, came home,had dinner with my beloved. Then a few hours laterI began to feel uncomfortablystrange — sick, pins and needlesascended my entire body. I told my wife I must lay down.Not feeling well.… Read More Coma

Courage and Strength Through the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Traditionally called St. Patrick’s Breastplate. I arise today Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,Through belief in the Threeness,Through confession of the Onenessof the Creator of creation. I arise todayThrough the strength of Christ’s birth with His baptism,Through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,Through the strength of His resurrection with His ascension,Through… Read More Courage and Strength Through the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The “Gentleness” of “Soft” Totalitarianism

Rod Dreher. “It’s possible to miss the onslaught of totalitarianism, precisely because we have a misunderstanding of how its power works. In 1951, poet and literary critic Czesław Miłosz, exiled to the West from his native Poland as an anti-communist dissident, wrote that Western people misunderstand the nature of communism because they think of it… Read More The “Gentleness” of “Soft” Totalitarianism

William F. Buckley Jr, Archbishop Sheen, Vietnam and Notre Dame

Nicolas Abouchedid writes, “In introducing the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen to his Firing Line television audience, Willian F. Buckley Jr. once noted that “he [Sheen] is considered by almost everybody a great enigma.” He continues: Those who like to disparage his evangelism have a difficult time accounting for his extraordinary academic record. Those who claim him as a conservative are… Read More William F. Buckley Jr, Archbishop Sheen, Vietnam and Notre Dame

The Universe? Who is God?

Our New Religion Isn’t Enough. Freya India.Jun 04, 2024. These days it seems like everything is described as a new religion. Social justice is a new religion. So is climate activism. Trumpism, too. I saw a funny tweet recently about how girlboss feminism has now reinvented the Sabbath, with the shocking news that we might benefit from “one lazy day” a… Read More The Universe? Who is God?

Elon Musk’s X Deploys American “Liberty” for More Sex

“Sexual expression, whether visual or written,” he speciously says, “can be a legitimate form of artistic expression,”  proving he’s no better or more conservative than the rest of them, despite how giddy with pride he makes many conservatives feel, especially those who wrap their egoism in blockbuster podcasts touting American Patriotism and righteousness. Even Catholic… Read More Elon Musk’s X Deploys American “Liberty” for More Sex

Never to despair

St. Bernard declared forcefully, ” [You may say] I have committed a great sin. My conscience will be troubled but I will not despair because I remember the wounds of my Lord. For indeed, He was wounded for our iniquities. What sin is there so deadly that it cannot be remitted through the death of… Read More Never to despair

Melinda Gates Now Biggest “Catholic” Donor to Pro-Abortion Causes in the World

The billionaire philanthropist pledges $200 million to ‘reproductive freedom,’ among other things. For years, Melinda French Gates, who identifies as a Catholic, said she struggled with abortion as a public-policy issue and wouldn’t give money to it from the foundation she helped run with her now-former husband, Bill. The struggle appears to be over. Gates,… Read More Melinda Gates Now Biggest “Catholic” Donor to Pro-Abortion Causes in the World