Lionel Shriver Speaks it Plain

From gender delusions today to the family-damaging psychiatric-induced “Recovered Memory Syndrome” of yesterday, the inmates, everyone knows, are running the asylum.

Lionel Shriver – author of the new novel, Mania – returns to The Brendan O’Neill Show. Lionel and Brendan discuss the collective derangement behind lockdown, climate alarmism, the trans ideology, and more.

Journalist and author Lionel Shriver was born Margaret Ann Shriver in 1957 in North Carolina. She received a BA and MFA from Columbia University and, since then, has lived in Nairobi, Bangkok, Belfast (where she reported on the Troubles for 12 years) and London.

Shriver married jazz drummer Jeff Williams in 2003.[42] They live in Portugal.[43]


Also by Brendan O’Neill:  Another Myth About the Irish Church: Cruel Nuns and Dead Babies

+ Biden Pins his Hopes on Abortion