Neither Biden or Trump

Note: American “freedom” and “liberty” have always been ambiguous, dangerous concepts. Thomas Jefferson, I’m convinced, crypto-jacobin that he was(1), was happy to have it that way. Well his chickens have come home to roost.

There’s enough truth in the following for me to agree with its main thrusts. I will not vote for either of these two. SH.

You Know I’m Right: Neither Biden nor Trump fit to be president

Don Haven
Newark Advocate

Neither President Joe Biden nor President Donald Trump are acceptable options to lead our country after the next election. My faithful readers (both of them) know it. You know it and I know it. Most of the American people know it. I am not going to list the reasons because you know them too. How we got into this mess is beyond my rather weak understanding of political science, but the fact is that we are going to have to count on the respective conventions to come up with new candidates.

This is not a partisan plea. We are beyond that. It is 1939. Our enemies are challenging not only our way of life, but our existence. In the past eight years, many of the leaders of the major countries on the planet would not, in a sane world, be entrusted to handle a string of firecrackers let alone nuclear weapons. And that, I am sorry to say, includes the U.S. Although our military forces have been holding their own, they are stretched very thin, and I worry that we no longer have the credibility to deter bad actors that we once did. The military needs leadership from a Commander in Chief that it can trust.

Neither of the two leading contenders for president have shown any capability, let alone interest, in creating a vision for our country that both the left and the right can support. The division is deep and getting deeper. How many of us have lost friends and relationships with relatives over politics? The voters seem to be supporting President Biden because they fear the return of President Trump or supporting Trump because they fear the country can not abide a second Biden administration.

We are a truly self-governing representative republic, flawed though it may be. It has lasted nearly 250 years because against all odds Americans have taken the responsibility of choosing our leaders seriously. The United States has taken seriously the responsibility of ensuring that freedom remains a possibility for all the peoples of the world at great cost in blood and treasure. The ramifications of abandoning that seriousness are dire. Poll after poll of Americans have indicated that a huge majority is convinced that things are going in the wrong direction. The evidence is clear as is the lack of ability, vision and morality of the people we have chosen to lead our country.

As a rule, I prefer humor and entertainment over societal analysis in my writings. But there is a time when it is necessary for all of us to speak out and try to affect the course of events that clearly are leading to disaster. That time is now.

We will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the founding of this great nation during the next presidential term. There will be many opportunities to reflect on what has made us successful and the things that have held us back. The president will be speaking to the world about who we are and who we want to be in the next 250 years. Can’t we find someone to do that other than the two leading contenders for the job? You know I’m right. -30-  Source

A Principled Alternative

“The American Solidarity Party is based in the tradition of Christian democracy. We acknowledge the state should be pluralistic while upholding a vision of the common good of all and of each individual informed by Christian tradition and acknowledging the primacy of religion in each person’s life.” I will vote ASP or write in another candidate.

“But you’re being naive!, I can hear some say”

Whatever. I’d rather lose standing on principle than by buying what either Biden or Trump are selling  (and both are pro-choice by the way, which shows what each man thinks of real human beings).

It took a while for that other historic narcissist, Henry VIII, to show his real face too. The Tudor King is said to have positively charmed Thomas More’s family when he visited More’s home in Chelsea. And how many others!

There are other issues and fears I could linger on, but most of these divide along the main lines that are very well known to most Americans. Neither man is all wrong. Each has his good points. But that’s not enough for me in this critical year. SH.


(1) “A few of their [the French Jacobins] cordial friends met at their hands, the fate of enemies. But time and truth will rescue and embalm their memories, while their posterity will be enjoying that very liberty for which they would never have hesitated to offer up their lives. The liberty of the whole earth was depending on the issue of the contest, and was ever such a prize won with so little innocent blood? My own affections have been deeply wounded by some of the martyrs to this cause, but rather than it should have failed, I would have seen half the earth desolated.” — Thomas Jefferson, Letter on the French Revolution

+ More than 60% of U.S. abortions in 2023 done by pill


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