Serving [the Masonic] “God,” Country and Corps: Marine Corp Goes Full Woke

Displaying Rainbow bullets and fighting whomever they’re commanded to fight.

Marine Corp Goes Full Woke

2022. U.S. Marine Corps Goes Woke, Celebrates ‘Pride Month’ with Rainbow Bullets… Read it all *

2023 “Summer of Pride

Sarah Arnold
December 22, 2022 10:00 PM

Jae C. Hong

In a world where everything that was once normal is now woke, it’s no surprise that the Marine Corps has also turned the tide. 

A newly released academic report from the University of Pittsburgh recommended that the U.S. Marine Corps drop the words “sir” and “ma’am” used to address senior officers to avoid “misgendering” drill instructors despite there only being 14,000 females in the Marine Corps, which makes up of only 7 percent of the branch.

Instead of using the words “sir” and “ma’am,” recruits in the military services refer to their drill instructors using their ranks or roles followed by their last names. 

The 738-page report highlights a $2 million study that was conducted to examine gender-integrated* recruit training, which claimed that the change would make both genders feel more comfortable when being addressed by peers. 

More …

August 6, 1945. The Decision to Drop the Bomb

Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds‘.

—  Robert Oppenheimer, quoting the Hindu sacred text the Bhagavad-Gita.

What have we learned? Ukraine

More: ROTC practicing Woke

The Catholic Holocaust

Fulton Sheen would later associate the viciousness of the atomic bomb attacks with the moral disorder of the world afterwards, seeing it has having opened up a new system where the ends justified the means in all circumstances and man was capable of using technology to inflict hell on Earth.

The bombing in Nagasaki happened at 11.02 am as many attended Mass.

In the death toll

-8,500 of the 12,000 Christians

– 3 separate orders of nuns

– An entire Catholic school

There were stories of nuns singing as they made their way through the streets after the blast, many dropping dead on the street as they did so.



+ Astonishing Account of Cuban Missile Crisis. “Robert F. Kennedy Jr: CIA, Power, Corruption, War, Freedom, and Meaning“.

(*) Note: Most of us understand I think that it is important to distinguish homosexual persons (persons with homosexual tendencies ) from the elite ideological movements which, flouting the objective Natural Law, serve as the vehicle of the totalitarian  transformation of morals, language, law, history, culture, institutions and nations in the West. — SH